Free wallpapers are very easy to get. You simply need to visit the sites and pick any of the latest wallpapers. There are different kinds of wallpapers to suit every taste, liking and choice. You can get free celebrity wallpapers, free nature wallpapers and even latest 3D wallpapers.
After you have chosen the type of wallpaper you want, you need to decide the resolution of the wallpapers that you want to download. If it is a nature related wallpaper, then it contains lovely landscapes, mountains, rivers, valleys, sunsets, sunrises, ice covered rivers and lands, fishermen, bright moon and the mellow moonlight shimmering on the rivers etc. There are often cool free wallpapers which are 3D and have some special effects like graphics and animations. Animated wallpapers are no doubt favourites of many because the cute animals, waterfalls and even tigers and humans can move as if they are real, right on your desktop. So you might be able to scare the hell out of your friend who might switch on the computer only to be greeted by some haunted house or a Halloween pumpkin or a spooky skeleton. There are Pokémon and cartoon character free hot wallpapers of Shrek, Aladdin, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Tom and Jerry and many more.

Such cool free wallpapers will invariably have many latest features like high resolutions. Depending on your computer configuration, you can go for different kinds of free wallpapers. You can download as many of them as you want and you can still delete them at your own wish if you do not like them or if they do not suit your computer settings. The resolutions of such free wallpapers can be 1920 × 1080 for High Definition (HD 1080i, 1080p), 1280 × 720 (720p), 800 x 600, 720 x 364, 768 x 480 etc. The 'p' in the resolutions stands for pixels. If the pixel is higher, then you will get better, beautiful free wallpapers.

You can simply right click on the desktop and select which resolution to choose. But in older computers, 1024 x 768 is the best full-screen resolution and downloading cool free wallpapers of this resolution is therefore the best bet. Many people also love to download free funny wallpapers and free love wallpapers, which contain small and cute animals, funny babies in shoes, flower-pots; baby animals; babies making funny faces and also love signs like the heart and red roses, red wine glasses etc.