Beautiful Snake Wallpapers And Photos, Pictures
They are generally olive green to brown, although they may be somehwhat yellow or have slight saddle-like splotches off red.Brown tree snakes may be any length from 18 inches as juveniles to over 8 feet long as adults,The saliva of a garter snake may be toxic to amphibians and other small animals. For humans, a bite is not dangerous, though it may cause slight itching, burning, and/or swelling.Juvenile brown tree snakes (Boiga irregularis) are 15 inches long, and adults may reach 10 feet in length. They are brown, olive green or yellow in color,Shiny blue-black in color. Light brown at tip of snout. Bright red to orange scales along sides. Creamy pink belly. Small, flat head. Small, black eyes. Smooth dorsal scales. Many other poisonous snakes share the abode, including coastal taipans, eastern tiger snakes, black tiger snakes, king brown snakes, red-bellied black snakes.

Beautiful Christmas Festival Wallpapers And Image Collections
On the 25th of December, families gather for the Christmas lunch. Of course, children open the presents Father Christmas left under the Christmas tree as soon as they get up in the morning. Santa Claus has been accredited with various names like Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, Father Christmas, Kringle, Kris or simply Santa. But all these names refer to the same person St. Nicholas.On every Christmas Eve Santa Claus brings gift and presents for the children all over the world and places them in the stockings hanged by the kids near the fireplace.It was not until the 1800s that the Santa as we know him today started to emerge. Writers and artist depicted a lovable jolly fellow, small in size with a giving heart. On Christmas eve he would ride in a magnificent sleigh pulled by eight reindeer over the treetops and roofs. He dropped gifts down the chimneys of good boys and girls. Select the following link to view our Old World Santa Father Christmas.

Beautiful Ice Hotel Wallpapers And Ice Hotel,Pictures
The Ice Hotel in Kiruna, Sweden is the first, and perhaps the most famous. Since its creation in 1989, the hotel has featured in many television travel programmes, magazines and newspapers. An Ice hotel is a temporary building made up entirely of snow and sculpted blocks of ice. They are built each year in the coldest regions of the world as a way to attract vacationers to resort areas. Finland The Mammut snow hotel is not an ice hotel per se as it is made entirely of snow. About 10 km East of Québec City, near Montmorency Falls and within the grounds of the Duchesnay winter resort the first ice hotel in North America is erected each January. Its 22 beds were sold out when it first opened in 2000. In its last iteration it had 85 beds, all made of ice but lined with deer furs and covered with mattresses and arctic sleeping bags. Only the bathrooms are heated, in a separate insulated structure. All of the furniture is made of ice. In addition to using ice glasses as in the Kiruna ice hotel, the bar (and room service) also serves cold cuts on ice plates. In its first 4 years of operation the hotel has had 220,000 visitors and 10,500 guests. In 2005 it will open on January 7 and close down on April 3rd. when the exterior temperature reaches minus 40 degrees or less.

Loard Of Pramukhswami Maharaja Wallpapers And Images Collections
The leader of this organization is Pramukh Swaami Maharaj whose name was Shantilal in his childhood, Pramukh Swami Maharaj is the fifth spiritual successor of Bhagwan Swaminarayan and the present leader of Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha.Pramukh Swami Maharaj was Born 7 December 1921; Chansad, Gujarat. Shastri Nārāyanswarupdās (December 7, 1921), commonly known as Pramukh Swāmi Maharaj, is a Hindu sadhu, Indian social worker, and spiritual Guru of an international Hindu organization known as the BAPS Swāminārāyan Sansthā (Bochasanwasi Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha). Guru Pramukh Swami MaharajOn January 23, 1971, Yogiji Maharaj passed away. Pramukh Swami, the perfect disciple became the perfect spiritual guru - Pramukh Swami Maharaj. He has build many temples through the world more than 700 temples and make more than 800 people Sadhu who are his followers saints and his followers.

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